How to Communicate the Importance of Insurance

To professionals in the industry, insurance is a vital necessity that is purchased without question. But, to those outside the industry, it might be tempting to question its value. So how can you communicate the importance of insurance?


It’s essential to learn how to communicate the benefits of insurance when explaining the overall importance of insurance to individuals who aren’t exposed to the ins and outs of the field on a daily basis. Essentially, this means explaining the ‘what’s in it for me’ factor.


Unlike purchasing a tangible product such as a car or a home, insurance is like buying a promise. Without being able to hold or see the physical benefits of the investment, those outside the insurance profession might become weary or confused regarding the true value of their purchase. Therefore, it’s imperative to understand how to communicate the importance of insurance to those outside the industry. Acquiring this specific communication skill is beneficial for professional development and is a great tool to possess when networking with both industry professionals and clients alike. To accurately portray the insurance and insurtech world, painting the big picture is key.


In honor of National Insurance Awareness Day on June 28, we’re sharing four conversation starters that help convey the importance of insurance to those outside the industry.


  • Insurance provides protection for you and your family. As a parent, grandparent or caretaker, protecting one’s family is a top priority. This universal desire is the perfect aspect to focus on when discussing the importance of insurance, as insurance acts as a safety net for those unexpected times when risks take a turn for the worse. While it’s obvious that life insurance supports a family when a loved one is lost, other types of insurance coverage supports families as well. Whether protecting a business, home, or car, insurance is there to prevent families from carrying large burdens in the occurrence of an accident or unplanned event.


  • Insurance offers financial security. Financial security is a common goal among people regardless of being privy to the insurance industry. When stressing the importance of insurance to those outside the field, focus on the impact that an unexpected event can have on one’s financial situation. Damage to residential or commercial property can be catastrophic and cause a family to fall into serious debt. Selecting appropriate insurance coverage is an investment that can secure one’s savings. Paying a premium is minimal compared to the cost of repairing a roof or business building that was unexpectedly damaged.


  • Insurance provides peace of mind and reduces stress. There is no price on peace of mind. We never know what the future holds, and stressing and worrying about possible risks does not bring about a solution. For those who are unfamiliar with the importance of insurance, it’s critical to explain the peace of mind that comes as a result of purchasing right insurance coverage. For entrepreneurs, insurance opens the door to more opportunities as lenders require insurance as a safety net.


  • Insurance is compulsory in some states. Aside from the many benefits of insurance coverage, in most states, certain types of insurance coverage is the law. If a catastrophic event were to take place within a business and the company only had minimal coverage, the aftermath could be financially devastating. Recovering well after a crisis saves businesses, communities, and families from irreversible results, which is why it is mandatory in many cases.


At Brush Country Claims, we’re excited to celebrate National Insurance Awareness Day to honor the dedicated professionals in all areas of insurance. As we focus on better communicating the importance of insurance to those outside the industry, we recognize that these are valuable conversations to engage in all year round. Our expert adjusters across the country witness the benefits of insurance coverage, and our goal is that they feel supported and equipped to share that knowledge with others who are less familiar with the insurance industry.


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